Leadership Team
Group Scout Leader
The Group Lead Volunteer is the volunteer manager of the Scout Group and is responsible for providing leadership and support to every adult and young person involved in the Group.
Role | Name | Contact Email |
Group Lead Volunteer (GLV) | Ben Johnstone |
glv@2ndmalvernscouts.org |
Trustee Board and Support Team
The Group Chair and the Trustee Board support the Group Lead Volunteer and ensure the good governance of the Scout Group. The Leadership Team ensures that the Scout Group has the operational facilities and resources needed to deliver a scouting programme that is safe, exciting and accessible to all.
Role | Name | Contact Email |
Chair | Peter Reeve | chair@2ndmalvernscouts.org |
Treasurer | Verena Steventon |
treasurer@2ndmalvernscouts.org |
Administrator | Joanna Reeve | secretary@2ndmalvernscouts.org |
Membership / Waiting List |
Christine Warner | membership@2ndmalvernscouts.org |
Building Maintenance and Bookings | Marilyn and Mike Wood | bookings@2ndmalvernscouts.org |